What is an internal link?
An internal link connects a page of your site with another page on your site. If you write a material on a topic that has already been touched on in your other material, then you can make a reference to this material.
Why do we need internal links?
Internal links perform three main tasks:
- help in navigation on the site;
- definition of the architecture and hierarchy of the site;
- page ranking on the site.
In addition, internal links improve search engine optimization of the site – they help search engines, create a linked network of your posts on the site, and also cause readers to stay longer on the site.
So, how to properly use internal links?
6 commandments of internal links to improve search engine optimization
1. Create a lot of content
In order for you to have many internal links, you must have many pages on the site. So you need more content that you can link to. More links – your network of internal links works better.
In fact, it does not really matter if you have any internal link strategy, or not. What is really important is a lot of useful links that lead to other useful materials on your site.
2. Use the anchor text
Anchor text is a text that is a link and leads to another page of your site. There are also no special rules here – just choose a piece of text that seems appropriate for you, and make a link out of it that will lead to another page on your site.
Images can also be links and lead to other pages, but be sure to properly write in the value of the ‘alt’ field where this link leads.
3. Link further
The more “distant” the material on your site is the link, the better.
Try to avoid such obvious links as a link to the main page of your site (visitors will be able to find it) or to a page with your contact information. In general, the rule is: do not give links to those pages of your site that are in the main menu. The best links are links to those materials that can be difficult to find just like that.
4. Give useful links
Internal links suggest that, first of all, you will think about your readers – the link should be useful to them.
One of the key aspects of internal links is that they increase user engagement. When a user sees an informative link that leads to the relevant content, he will most likely go over it and spend some time on your site.
Thus, internal links will help you improve the search optimization of your resource, and your readers – to find useful information for them.
5. References must be relevant
Your internal links should be relevant, i.e. match the content of the material. Do not make links just for them to be – do not bundle two different materials.
For example, if you write a story about dog food, then it’s hardly appropriate to refer to your material about nesting parrots. But if you write about the parrot feed, then the reference to their nesting can be of great value to the readers. This link will be relevant, as the content in both articles intersects, if possible use these links.
6. Use an adequate number of internal links
Internal links are good, but you do not need to overload the entire page with them. Google’s instructions are simple: “Adhere to an adequate number of links on the page.”
The question is: how much is adequate?
The answer is: no one knows.
There is no magic number – only you determine the number of links. Sometimes three or four are enough, and sometimes in a large article there can be 10-20 references. Focus on your readers – add as many links as it will be useful for them.
Internal links, if used with the above rules, will be useful to your site and your audience, and using them is not difficult at all. You can even go back to your old materials to make sure there are enough links in them, and put them in if it is not.
Picture Credit : ivke32