- Modern marketers in their work apply the latest achievements of science. One of the new techniques in their practice is called neuromarketing. It involves scanning the brain of consumers in the process of viewing advertising and consuming products.
- Use visual images.
Better to see once than hear a hundred times. The picture instantly conveys much more information and emotions than speech.
Processing data provided in the form of images requires almost 20% less mental effort. And as you know, our brain prefers to work with more understandable and easy to understand information. - In the beginning, emotion is consciousness.
First of all, you need to evoke emotion, involve, and then build a rational relationship.
Do not try to sell a product/service – make it an important part of a client’s life. Find the key emotion and make it a part of your concept. - Purchase as part of a customer’s life.
Who are you, as a salesman, for me? What do you bring into my life? What problems do you solve in my life? I do not want to hear that you are customer-oriented. I want to understand your value to me.
The aim of the seller is to become a part of the life of the buyer and to bring him value dividends. - Select the correct color.
Colors can play an incredibly important role in creating emotions, directly and deeply affecting the brain departments responsible for the formation of feelings.
Knowledge of the psychological semantics of colors helps to choose the color solution in such a way that it corresponds to the nature and mood of consumers and most effectively formed their emotional perception of the goods. - Do not forget the power of words.
Words and language tricks can excite emotions and even enter into a state of trance.
For example, the use of extremely fuzzy language that would suit absolutely anyone. “You want to appear confident in yourself, but at times you feel a breakdown.” People think that they are well understood, although such a phrase can be told to anyone. - Enchant sounds.
Music helps to construct emotions as effectively as images, and in some circumstances triggers emotions with great success – from joy and fear to depression and tickling nerves of excitement.
In stores, music is used to manipulate everything: from the mood of customers to the speed with which they move through the outlet. - First impression.
Psychologists call the first association with the subject “anchor”, and neuromarketologists argue that by this association it is easy to evoke a thought about a product or service from a person and force him to make a decision in favor of buying if a certain. - Reducing the cost of the consumer to make a decision – the sales driver.
When the seller creates a proposal that makes the consumer consciously delve into the details, it strains and creates a rejection of the product or service
It is necessary to make a “Best Offer” to the client, which would be appropriate in his situation and would reflect his need. Then subconscious mechanisms are included and the process of “making a product or service” becomes pleasant and organic. - Insult and help.
Often it looks like you pushed the customer into the water, and then threw him a rope.
“The first online bookkeeping” on its website highlights the pain of every entrepreneur: how much money he loses, using the services of a full-time financier, and immediately points to a solution – remote outsourcing. - Instant purchase trigger
Most people tend to get immediate benefits, even if it is less than what comes later.
Yes, yes, the bird in the hand is almost always desirable, than the crane in the sky. This quality marketers use to make people buy without hesitation. - Flower power is not only an element of hippy culture.
The researchers decided to conduct an experiment in which the customers were unexpectedly given a flower.
The diagrams showed an increase in the involvement and growth of the shopping basket. A rapid pulse, an increase in the emotional background were only the first clear results.
What happened to consumer behavior after the gift? Before the gift, consumers looked more at the price tags of the goods, whereas after the gift they looked more at the product. - Feeling of duty.
Reception will work if you give potential customers useful content, samplers or a free trial period without asking anything in return, even such “trivia” as a repost in Facebook. That is why it is so important to call the consumer “the very feeling of duty.” - Paradox statistics.
In the case of offering 24 types of jams, only 3% of consumers make a choice. If there are only six of them, 30% of consumers. Increasing the variability of choice leads to paralysis of the consumer’s actions.
One foot at the door.
If earlier the buyer made small purchases on your site, suggest that he buy a more expensive product.
To sell the service to registered users is much easier than to attract new customers. - First – stereotypes.
Mass consciousness thinks in terms of stereotypes: boys prefer blue, girls – pink. Nobody will go for chocolates if instead of a usual place at cash desk them will place in the end of a hall.
On the Internet play by the same rules. Any deviation from the stereotype causes the user to “friction effect”, since the brain does not perceive new information immediately: at first it protects, then processes it. So a too creative approach can reduce your sales to zero.
Image credit: Alexas_Fotos