Documentation of the content marketing strategy prevents the chaotic formation of content, gives each member of the team the opportunity to show personal interest. As a result, the chosen technology becomes more efficient.
Do you want to be among the leading content marketers? Register the tactics you are using right now.
1. Set the reasons for creating marketing content
Understand why it is so necessary for the brand. Check for readers who want to get the marketing texts they create. Conduct a client study that identifies the main problems that content content will be able to solve.
2. Identify the main goals
Determine the achievement of what the goal is to serve advertising content. Of course, there should be several of them from attracting new customers to increasing the loyalty of existing customers. Ultimately, they should contribute to the implementation of specific business tasks: attracting leads, calculating fees for the action performed by the user (filling out the form, subscribing to the newsletter), increasing sales. Find for the purposes of an embodiment with quantitative indicators, the most suitable metrics for measuring them. In the process of implementing the strategy, the goals may change. The introduced technology can undergo changes on the basis of feedback received from consumers. Achieving better results requires its continued development.
3. Investigate the target audience
Highlight the main circle of consumers, study their motivation, sources of information that meet the needs. Make a portrait of the ideal buyer, based on reliable statistics.
4. Create materials for each phase of the consumer journey
Acceptance of the decision to purchase by the consumer is preceded by acquaintance with the goods, its evaluation (whether the product is the most appropriate solution to a particular problem) and the actual implementation of the purchase. Entrepreneurs who do not have any strategy tend to invest the allocated funds for marketing content, pushing the user to make a deal with the commodity producer. It should be remembered that the excellent promotional materials offered to the user at the initial stage are also very effective. It is most important to represent a uniform volume of relevant relevant marketing materials at each stage of the consumer journey.
5. Set specific goals
The solution of smaller but still important tasks contributes to the achievement of the more global goals described above. Here, too, you need special metrics that measure the effectiveness of your chosen activities to promote the generated content.
6. Select the appropriate advertising distribution channels
It is not necessary to wait for the end of the process of forming information materials. Identify the social networks most often visited by the target audience. Create a corporate profile and start promoting a variety of forms of content. Do you have a broad subscriber base? Offer readers the advertising content as an electronic newsletter.
7. Get an editorial calendar
A document that helps to focus everything in one place: large-scale planning, audience research, content mapping, a list of goals, will allow you to see what type of content, when to produce and how to distribute it.
These seven steps represent a general guide that helps document the content marketing strategy and successfully implement it. The form need not be impeccable. The first sketch will not be exact. Consider it as a starting point, which you can always return to and constantly improve.
Image credit: geralt